welcome ministry

recognizing and leading new members

Tammie Sawicki, New Member Ministry Coordinator

To better integrate newcomers to our Christ Church community we created a formal Welcome Ministry. Greeters, Hosts, and Sponsors work with newcomers to help them know more about Christ Church and to help if they want to call Christ Church their church home.

At every service, Greeters offer newcomers and longtimers a warm welcome to Christ Church––conducting tours of our facility after services to orient members to their new church home, as well as giving some of the history of our parish. We’ve also organized monthly Meet & Greets so that newcomers can meet the Rector, Vestry members, Staff, and other church members. We are also plan quarterly socials to foster community and belonging.


Our newcomer video series provides an easy way for newcomers to learn more about the Episcopal Church in general and Christ Church specifically. Led by Fr. Terry, this series is available for anyone to watch at their leisure.