Prayer at Christ Church

Christ Church is a community that believes in the power of prayer. We publish a prayer list each week in our Weekly E-News, and we have an emergency prayer team that prays when people face surgeries, hospitalizations, sudden illnesses or injuries, pregnancy complications, and other needs that happen suddenly. We also have Intercessory Prayer ministers available at the side altar every Sunday to pray with you after Communion during the worship service. Ask an usher where to meet with the Intercessors, or follow the contacts in this section if you would like your name to be on the Sunday prayer list or if you need help from the Emergency prayer team.

Short and long Term Prayer

Christ Church has both short and long term prayer teams which covers the needs of Christ Church members and their loved ones. The list of prayed-for people is published in our Weekly E-News so that parishioners can also pray.

Contact: Spence Flournoy

Contemplative Prayer

This open group meets on Saturday mornings at 8:20am in the Library for a time of contemplative prayer.  This practice of prayer allows transformation inside and out.

Contact: Vee Henderson

Side Altar Prayer Ministers

These prayer ministers are available during and after Holy Communion to pray with anyone who comes for prayer.

Contact: Dennis or Shirley Ridgley

Emergency Prayer Chain

The emergency prayer ministry activates a chain of people to pray for parishioner needs in times of crisis. The Emergency Prayer Chain also prays for our friends and families and requests that come from non-parishioners through the church's website.

Contact: Vee Henderson

Prayer Shawl Ministry

The prayer shawl ministry prays as they make a variety of knitted/crocheted items to benefit Christ Church members and the community.   Its goal is to provide comfort to people in a difficult time and bring prayer to them in a tangible way.

Contact: Patty Husman or Beverly Fish