Buildings and Grounds

A year of steady improvements

Don Thornton, Parish Administrator

The most visible work all year was the continuing progress on the multi-year project of Organ Modernization, adding 1300 pipes to the Sanctuary’s organ. A group of committed volunteers and staff constructed a structural framework and an attractive facade to house new chambers of pipes. Part of the project included renovations to the stage area for the choir and the band. Much restoration and tuning of the pipes also occurred behind the scenes and mainly in the West Room.

Leaders of the project were Dan Dufford and Bruce Dunn. Other volunteers and staff contributing greatly included, in alphabetical order, Bob Arnott, Scott Barnes, Ron Breaux, John Bredehoeft, Michael Brown, Heidi Farr, Spencer Flournoy, Gary Hard, Sarah Kanyok, Graham Kolb, Steve Noecker, Frank Olson, Steve Petty, Dave Prentice, and Betsy Welty. It should be noted that Heidi Farr’s work proved so valuable that she was hired as the new Facility Assistant. This project was part of the mini-capital campaign, and about $30,000 was spent on this project during 2021. The entire project is anticipated to be completed during the summer of 2022.

Progress also continued on the digital sign to replace the aging wooden structure on University Blvd., including another $56,000 of various work plans. The new sign will be fully installed and functional during the first two months of 2022.

Last year’s report mentioned the critical but unseen project of upgrading the Building Automation System that controls the various functions of the multiple HVAC systems of the church. That work was completed during the first quarter of 2021.

Technology upgrades also were part of the mini-capital campaign. That project kicked off in 2021 with about $2,800 already spent. Additional work plans are underway for 2022.

The church had about 40 aging smoke detectors that needed to be replaced to prevent false alarms to the Denver Fire Department. All of those alarms were replaced during 2021 at a cost of $3,600.

The Building & Grounds Committee mourned the loss of Jim Gielissen in 2021. Although a man of few words, his contributions were always full of wisdom, humor, goodwill, and to the point. He is missed.

The Building & Grounds Committee is comprised of Fr. Terry, Ron Fish, Bruce Dunn, Brady TenBarge, Don Thornton, Dave Prentice, and Heidi Farr. If you have relevant experience and wish to serve on the committee, please contact Brady TenBarge, Operations Director.

 Respectfully submitted,
Don Thornton, Church Administrator