Christian Formation

An intentional pathway to Christian Maturity

Christian Formation is the very core of the work of Christ Church. “He is the one we proclaim, admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone fully mature in Christ” (Colossians 1:28.) We endeavor to fulfill the apostle’s personal goal and make it ours.

Our mission in Christian Formation is to provide an intentional pathway to Christian Maturity. With this in mind we have a clear and focused mission to make disciples who are:

  • Personally committed followers of Jesus Christ

  • Knowledgeable about the Bible and committed to living in consistency with its teachings

  • Engaged in personal Christian disciplines

  • Able to share the Gospel and provide a reasonable defense of the faith

  • Actively participating in worship and the mission of Christ Church


Christian Education

Christian Education supports all teaching and learning endeavors in Christ Church including Sunday morning classes for all ages and mid-week Bible Studies and prayer groups.

Personal & Family Formation

Christian Formation doesn't just happen at church. We encourage everyone to develop their relationship with God beyond the walls of Christ Church. From the kitchen table to neighborhood groups, we want you to dig deeper.



Travel Education

Christian Travel Education is a new function added in 2018. In association with Connoisseurs Tours, we will host travel opportunities on a three-year rotation, which includes:

1) A Pilgrimage to the Holy Land and Biblical Jordan, 

2) Paul’s travels in Greece, and

3) A visit to England – tracing our Anglican roots.